We live in such a busy fast paced world and we have to make time to slow down, refresh and renew our bodies and minds. If you don’t you can become overwhelmed, loose focus and eventually burn out. The lost of focus can impact your career, business relationships and some people even end up in states of depression. Your attitude and behavior can change and can impact and influence those close to you and those you interact with – and not in a positive way! What if there was one small thing you could do that could change the course of your day, your attitude and your energy? One small thing that could make a difference in the way you communicate and interact with people?
That one small thing, is something we often take for granted – getting enough sleep! This totally contradicts what you are told as an entrepreneur. You constantly hear people talking about the hustle, working non-stop, saying things like “I will sleep when I am dead.” It’s like a badge of honor not to sleep. What you don’t realize is how the lack of sleep, sleep deprivation, can impact your productivity, career, relationships and overall health. Getting the appropriate amount of sleep, for you, can increase your energy level and the health benefits are tremendous. Not all sleep is equal, you have determine how much sleep you need for your physical and mental well being.
You may find yourself saying, “I get enough sleep” or “I don’t need anymore three, four hours of sleep each day”. Well, you may be in denial. The impact of sleep deprivation may be showing up in your life and you don’t even realize it. Consider these five signs of sleep deprivation and see if they are showing up for you.
Increased appetite. Do you notice that you are eating more then you normally do? Going back for second and third helpings of food? Have your cravings for certain foods increased? According to Dr. Chris winter, owner of Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine, “If the brain is not getting the energy it needs from sleep it will often try to get it from food. When you’re not sleeping properly you tend to eat more of what you’re craving because you’re not feeling the signals to stop eating.”
Unexplained weight gain. Wondering where those extra pounds are coming from? If you are eating more food, you will most likely gain a few additional pounds. Your metabolism and how it’s functioning can change. Plus, when you are tired you tend to make less healthy food choices eating more junk and not practicing mindful eating.
Are you acting impulsively. In you are experiencing sleep deprivation, you are exhausted often without even realizing it and you being doing things you normally would not do. For example, saying yes to things you would normally say no to. Your resistance would also be lower, and you may have been able to say no to sugary foods but now you are eating the candy bars and cookies again. This will go back to the sign we previously mentioned, the unexplained weight gain. Your temper may not be as controlled as it would be. If you are married or have children you may tend to lash out and respond in a more negative way because you are exhausted and that’s how it is showing up for you.
Memory loss. If you find your self forgetting where you left your keys or glasses, don’t panic! There is a strong chance that you are not having issues with your brain or that something is going wrong, but that this is a sign of sleep deprivation. When you are tired and sit items down your mind may not take that mental snapshot of where you put it.
Clumsy. If you are not getting enough sleep for your body, your sensory awareness may be off and you find yourself tripping over your own feet, not once but several times day. Maybe you missed the step and fell up the steps. You could also be dropping things easily. When I was experiencing issues with sleep deprivation, this is how it showed up for me. I can remember fixing a plate of food and dropping it right out of my hands. You are soo tired it is hard to focus on the natural, simple task that you are doing like walking down the street or up a flight of stairs.
There are many other signs and ways sleep deprivation can show up for you and these are five things for you to consider. Take time this week to see if any of these signs are showing up for you. If they are, try getting just a few more minutes of sleep to see if it makes a difference. Focus on a positive thought or affirmation. One that I like to use for getting more sleep is “I feel radiant full of abundant energy and health” If you get the appropriate amount of sleep you will wake up feeling radiant and full of energy. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Look for me to share more about sleep deprivation in upcoming posts. Until next time, here’s to your success!
Carolyn R. Owens has over 25 years of proven experience and serves as a Career Strategist, Leadership and Life Coach. She is the Chairwoman and CEO of Infinity Coaching, Inc. where they help you up-level your skills so you can up-level your income. Infinity Coaching, Inc. provides one-on-one and group coaching coaching, organizational training, personality assessments and a signature program, the Infinity Coaching Inner Circle. Find out more at https://infinitycoaching.net