Times have changed but there are still many people who think and teach that women can’t have a successful career, passionate relationship and children. Or, how about there are only three days out of the year where we get it right – our birthday, mother’s day and valentine’s day. It’s as if we have to make a choice but why should we? Here are a few strategies for keeping the romance alive, the kids happy and still rock your career.
Plan and schedule. Some people may say, “you want me to actually schedule a date?” Yes, I do. When you block the time on your calendar you are more likely to stick with it and go on that date. But don’t just stop there. Schedule work and family time so you will be encouraged to keep the commitment and you also won’t forget it.
You can use a traditional planner or use apps such as the Google calendar. The Google calendar allows you to color code your schedule so you can know when it’s business and when it’s pleasure.
Plan meals ahead of time. How many times have you stared into refrigerator abyss thinking what should I cook tonight? It’s already 7 PM and you have no clue. To top things off, your missing some of what you need to make the meal.
Set aside time one day a week to plan and prep meals for the week or even the month. Stock them in the freezer and all you will have to do is heat them up. You’ll stop wasting time thinking about what you are going to eat and you’ll find you are cooking more healthy options. Also, consider having some fun with your significant other as they join in to make the meals. The food may not be the only thing that getting heated up.
Leave a love note. As a working mother, you will not be able to make every school activity. On those days I would leave a special note in my son’s lunch box, pockets or hidden in his notebook where I knew he would find it.
For your significant other, spice up the note and leave it in their car or send them a text in the middle of the day. Sorry, I have to work late but… You get the idea.
Set the guidelines and stick to them. There will be days that demand your attention but you have to know when it’s too much. Set guidelines that help to keep your life in balance. For example, try to only work late three days out of the week. Agree, that you will not bring work home with you. If you work from home, establish working hours so when the workday ends, it truly ends.
When you can, let your boss and staff know ahead of time of any planned family activities. This gives them ample time to plan to cover any projects that may be due.
Make time for your significant other. Don’t ever become too busy that you can’t find at least five minutes in a day to spend time with your special someone; time alone that is. Turn off the cell phone and TV and be in the moment with your partner.
It could be spending just a few extra minutes close together in bed. Maybe it’s sharing a few extra kisses before they leave for the day. Maybe just a simple quick massage. Or, when you come home from a long hard day, simply ask how was your day. They won’t be expecting this since you were the last one to come in. Listen and reassure them, I’m home now and I got you… These few minutes of special attention can make a big impact on your relationship.
To maintain any relationship you have to nurture it. Use these strategies to find small ways you can show the most important people in your life you really do care. Find a balance that works for you so you don’t lose the connection with your children and the passion and romance with your partner.
Want more tips and strategies to balance your career and personal life? Send me an email at cowens@infinitycoaching.net. We’ll schedule a time to talk and see how you can have it all – romance, children, and a career. You can have success on YOUR own terms!
Carolyn R. Owens has over 25 years of proven experience and serves as a Career and Social Media Strategist, Leadership and Life Coach. She is the Chairwoman and CEO of Infinity Coaching, Inc. where she can help you up-level your skills so you can up-level your income, career, business or life. Infinity Coaching, Inc. provides one-on-one and group coaching, organizational training, personality assessments and a signature program, the Infinity Coaching Inner Circle. Carolyn is certified to give both The Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. You can find out more about both assessments and other products and services at https://infinitycoaching.net.