When you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, whether it’s by choice or through unforeseen circumstances, it can be difficult getting back into the swing of things. You’ll have to make some adjustments. You’ll want to get caught up on changes in your industry and get back into a daily routine. To get you started off strong, here are a few things you need to consider when going to back to work after a break.
Getting back into the swing of things
As with every major change, going back to work is going to take some getting used to. It can be a bit of a shock to the system, and the longer you have been away, the harder it will be. It may be easier to go back part-time or a few days per week giving you time to establish a routine. The office environment and expectations may have changed from what you were used to. You may have others who have to adjust as well such as a spouse or children. They will need to accept you won’t be home as often. Once you have a good routine in place, begin to seek out full-time positions or consider remaining part-time if that fits your lifestyle better.
You may need some refresher training
Depending on how long you’ve been away from your job, you could find you need to refresh your skill sets. Take a look at that current trends and advances in your industry to see what has changed. If needed, take a course or two to brush up on your knowledge. You can attend courses at a local college or an online course. You can speak to your employer about the additional knowledge you want to gain to see if the company offers these classes in-house. If not, our employer may pay for the courses you want to take saving you from spending your own money. Also, consider joining a professional association and attend meetings or conferences they offer. Any education or training you receive will help you adapt allowing you to excel in your return to the workforce.
Technology may have changed
Technology moves at such a rapidly changing pace. This is an area many people find most challenging when they start working again after a long break. Do not be discouraged! Your employer should be able to help you with this and offer you assistance in the form of classes. For example, you may find that communication has now moved into the realm of social media, text messages and short emails where before there was more letter writing and phone calls. You may have found that now your company is using advanced databases such as https://www.profisee.com/master-data-management-what-why-how-who for personnel and data management.
You may realize you want to change careers
Many changes can take place during a break from work. Changes not just within your industry, but with you. You may start to realize what once was the perfect career path for you, well it no longer is the perfect career path. Guess what? That’s perfectly fine! Not everyone is meant to stay in the same career for the rest of their lives. These days you certainly have more options than ever before. Don’t stay stuck and be miserable in a job in a job you don’t like. If it takes going back to work to realize you want to change careers, be open and honest about it, create a plan and take action to make it happen.
Going to back to work after a break can be a fun and exciting time but it can also come with a few challenges. However, the’re challenges you can overcome. Gradually adjust back to work and get caught up on the trends and changes in your industry. Once you start working again be honest with yourself and decide if this is the industry you want to be in or are you ready to try something new. Remember what it all comes down to – success on YOUR own terms!
Carolyn R. Owens has over 25 years of proven experience and serves as a Career Strategist, Executive and Leadership Coach. She is the President of Infinity Coaching, Inc. where she can help you up-level your skills, so you can up-level your income, career, business or life. Infinity Coaching, Inc. provides coaching, organizational training, personality assessments, and a signature program, the Infinity Coaching Inner Circle. Carolyn is certified to give both The Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. You can find out more he about both assessments and other products and services at https://infinitycoaching.net.