I wanted to do something a little different today and share with you a statement that has been on my mind a lot lately. As you have probably guessed from the title of this blog post, the thought is – My Success is MY responsibility. I have written about this topic before but with it being so heavy on my mind lately, I thought it was time to bring it up again.
I have heard a lot of people lately blaming others for where they are or rather where they aren’t in life. They can come up with a whole lot of reasons why without first taking a good hard luck at themselves. Having to really assess where we are in life and why can be a daunting task. But if we don’t, we can stay stuck in a never-ending cycle.
God gives us free will to make choices and there are consequences for the choices we make, good and/or bad. You must also understand, taking no action is a choice that comes with its own consequences. The problem becomes when we start blaming others for the outcomes of our actions. When we do this, it prevents us from taking responsibility for the choices we make. We allow this blame to hold us prisoner in our own lives. We surrender control of our lives and let life just happen to us. You can become a victim of your thoughts, ideas, actions, and beliefs.
When you don’t take responsibility, you will limit how far you will go in life. No one is going to advocate more for your career or business then you will. You can’t wait for someone else to give you everything you need to succeed.
YOUR success is YOUR responsibility. Not just in your personal life but your professional life as well. It’s time to stop blaming others and start owning the choices you make. Say the phrase out loud to yourself, “MY success is MY responsibility.” Say it a few times a day until it really starts to resonate with you. Use it to motivate you to accept responsibility for ALL of your actions.
If you want to learn more about personal responsibility, check out this video from on YouTube, Success Scopes: Personal Responsibility – I Am A Victim!
If you have any questions or want to talk further send me an email at cowens@infinitycoaching.net. Together we can come up with a plan to move you past what is holding you back from achieving the success you desire.
Until next time…. Here’s to YOUR Success!