Large businesses have several advantages over smaller businesses with one main thing being a bigger budget for marketing. This makes it simpler for them to keep their brand in the eye of the consumers, and sometimes you might feel it’s a lost cause trying to compete with them. Don’t give up though. If you have a great product or are providing an excellent service you are on the right track to success. Just remember all businesses start off small and one day yours could be as large as some of the household names. Here are a few strategies to help you on your journey.
Have A Great Website
If your website is user-friendly, engaging to the eye and responsive to all devices that’s a good start. The quality of your website can mean the difference between looking like a professional business or not. It should display your work, have testimonials from past customers and an address that is not your home one. You may wonder why that matters, but you will not look a professional business if you show you are operating from a residential address, especially if you have gone to the trouble of registering as an LLC. The answer is to use a virtual business address for LLC businesses, as you must show an address as part of every website. You will be able to promote your product and services and maintain your privacy.
Make Sure Your Logo Is Original
If your logo or company name is like that of an existing business they can stop you from using it. You want a logo that is original but also one that will stand the test of time. Once it has become recognized you do not want to have to change it because it looks outdated. Keep it simple too, so that people do not have to spend time wondering what your logo is meant to be.

Have A Managed Social Media Presence
The easy part of social media is setting up the accounts. The hard part is managing them effectively. The platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter are a great marketing tool, but you need to consistently work on them for your business to become trusted and connect with followers.
As your business grows you will probably not have the time to dedicate to them. This is when you can consider outsourcing the management of your social media to a freelancer that knows how to handle it for you.
Have Interesting Content
Regardless of whether it is for your social media accounts or for your website, you will need content that engages viewers. It should not always be only promotional and can be written, images or videos. It needs to make them curious enough to stop, look and learn more. If they do, it’s a good chance they will buy from you as well. Also consider using freelance writers, video makers, and photographers. They don’t cost a fortune but can make a huge difference to the quality of your content.
Appearing to be a bigger business than you actually are is not that difficult and these three strategies can make a big difference. But remember, once you attract the potential customers, you have to live up to the promises you give so consumers know they can trust what you say. Before you know it your business could actually grow to the size you have been portraying.
Carolyn R. Owens has over 25 years of proven experience and serves as a Career Strategist, Executive and Leadership Coach. She is the President of Infinity Coaching, Inc. where she can help you up-level your skills, so you can up-level your income, career, business or life. Infinity Coaching, Inc. provides one-on-one and group coaching, organizational training, personality assessments, and a signature program, the Infinity Coaching Inner Circle. Carolyn is certified to give both The Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. You can find out more about both assessments and other products and services at https://infinitycoaching.net.