As a business owner, one of the most important tasks you have is keeping your employees happy. If they’re happy, they will stay loyal to your company throughout their career. There are many things you can do to keep them loyal to your cause. Let’s take a look at some of the best strategies you can implement to create engaged and happy employees.
Recognize progress
When it comes to keeping your employees happy you should always recognize when important milestones have been reached or a project has been completed exceptionally and ahead of the deadline. As a team member, they will want to feel valued and know they have achieved something. Recognizing their progress shows you care and see the hard work they are doing. You will encourage them to work harder and go the extra mile for the business.
If you want to ensure your workplace is a happy one and everyone gets along, it’s important to think about how they bond together and form a strong team. Team Building activities are always a great idea to help your employees get to know and understand each other. It’s also a great idea for you to add some friendly competition to the office environment. This will help to increase morale and productivity. There are so many different types of team building activities you can choose from. Have some fun and try a few different ones.
Trust your employees
As a business owner, it is incredibly important for you to be able to trust the people who work for you. After all, they will have access to sensitive records and information. You will want to be sure they are trustworthy and reliable. However, it’s also important for you to extend trust to your employees by showing it to them. Don’t stand over their shoulders all the time making them feel uncomfortable. This will make them feel like they’re on tenterhooks, filled with anxiety, every time they step into the office. The best way to manage employees is to delegate a task and trust them to do it. Make sure they are able to do things in their own time and trust that they won’t let you down.
Offer responsibility
You’ll always want to make sure work is getting done. It may seem like the best way to do this is to delegate certain assignments to your team members. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes it is better for you to offer a role and see who wants to step up to the plate. The reason for this is, often people will want to try new roles and be given more responsibility but you may not know it. If you don’t give them a chance to show their skills, you are depriving them of growing both personally and professionally. When you can, offer the tasks to everyone. You might just be surprised at who wants to work on the new project.
Get them involved in decisions
One of the best things you can do as a business owner is to show your workers you value them. Show them they are more than just cogs in your machine. If you have an issue with the business or you have some significant updates, share this with your team and get them involved. Employees love to feel like they are involved. This is a great way for you to build trust and build a stronger bond as a team.
Balance work and life
One of the main things you need to make sure of is that you understand the importance of balance. Your team is your most valuable asset. However, you have to remember work isn’t the be all and end all of life. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, their own hobbies, and a full life outside of the office. Showing your employees you understand this is huge. It can make a big difference to the morale in the office. For example, let’s say a team member asks to finish an hour early so they can set up their child’s birthday party. Allowing them to do this is important because being at their child’s birthday party is important to them and their family.
Workaround needs
Every employee who works for you will be different. Some might be super confident and outgoing, some might be shy and reserved. Being able to tailor your office for different needs is super important. It may seem simple, but it will make a difference to your office as a whole. Make sure to listen to your workers, how they work best, and help them to be able to do this.
Set goals
It’s important to set goals and have rewards in business. Think for example about offering prizes and incentives for people who work hard and achieve goals. Give people different goals depending on their role and make sure that these goals are clear and possible to achieve. Being able to set goals and have people reach them will keep people happy and productive.
Birthdays, promotions, weddings, children… all of these things are a reason to celebrate. We don’t celebrate enough in life, especially when it comes to the workplace. As a business owner or manager, it can be a wonderful thing for you to do as a team. To build up positive relationships with your employees, celebrate personal milestones. Get to know the people who work for you as people. When you do, they will be more likely to stay happy and continue working for the company.
Offer perks
There are so many different perks you can give to your workers including things such as healthcare, paid holidays, sick leave, discounts at select stores, and also consider group retirement solutions. Be creative with what you offer. Perks can be a great way to keep employees loyal and make sure that they choose you over your competitors.
Having engaged and happy employees working for you can truly impact the sustainment and longevity of your business. If you invest in them, they will invest in you! Here’s to YOUR success…
Carolyn R. Owens has over 25 years of proven experience and serves as a Career Strategist, Executive and Leadership Coach. She is the President of Infinity Coaching, Inc. where she can help you up-level your skills, so you can up-level your income, career, business or life. Infinity Coaching, Inc. provides coaching, organizational training, personality assessments, and a signature program, the Infinity Coaching Inner Circle. Carolyn is certified to give both The Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. You can find out more about both assessments and other products and services at https://infinitycoaching.net.