There are so many different ways I could categorize this article. It could fall under Social and Cultural, Human Connections and even Arts and Entertainment. If I had to choose, I would choose Personal Development. Why? Through blogging, we grow. Not just the reader one shares content with, but the writer who captures and shares his or her voice in a prose connecting with someone somewhere in the world also grows. Now is the time to celebrate blogging…
When we write we think about the words we are putting on the paper. We reflect back on the experience we had and the lessons we’ve learned. We open ourselves to being vulnerable as we share a certain part of ourselves. Every November bloggers around the world accept the challenge to tap into that part of themselves sharing an article every day.
November is National Blog Posting Month, also known as NaBloPoMo and NanoPloblano. It is also National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo. The goal for NaNoWriMo is to complete a 50,000 word novel by the end of the month. Not everyone wants to write a novel and that is how National Blog Posting Month was created.
NaBloPoMo is the month where bloggers celebrate their craft by excepting the challenge to write thirty articles in one month, the month of November. It may sound impossible for some, in fact, it did to me. I would have never thought I could write that many articles in one month. Let’s face it, 30 articles could be pulled together the right way can make a pretty good book. No way I could do this. But, in 2016, I accepted the challenge and got hooked!
I made 29 days, just one day short. This was more articles then I had written in one year! I have to admit I surprised myself. Through the challenge, I was able to see just what I was capable of but even more so I revitalized a dormant passion for writing. Now, National Blog Posting Month 2017 is upon us. Will I do it again? You bet I will and if you are reading this, you are reading article number one.
What about you? Will you take the challenge? It’s easy to become overwhelmed just thinking about it but it is not as difficult as you may think. If you are writing about something you love and are passionate about the words and thoughts will fall right onto the page. The articles you write don’t have to be long. My shortest one was about 150 words and my longest one was about 800 words. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You can be just as creative as you choose to be. I let God and time be my guide and let the words flow, and flow they did.
If you don’t have a blog, consider creating a WordPress site, which you can do for free. A friend and colleague of mine, Sarah Coolidge was able to put her’s together quickly the night before the challenge began. To add a little variety to your post, you can also be a guest blogger for a site or share from your website or newsletter. Follow the hashtags, #NaBloPoMo and/or #NanoPloblano on social media and use this time to expand and grow your reach. If you are reading this after the challenge has already started, join in any way. Writing 20 articles is better than writing none!
There are blogs for every subject you can think of and this is the time for bloggers to shine! I’ll be sharing my articles here on the Infinity Coaching Leadership Blog. The links will be posted on my social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. If you find an article you like please share it.
I’ll be looking for your post and if you haven’t started blogging yet, maybe you’ll be inspired to do so. Happy Blogging!
This article is adapted from an article written by Carolyn R Owens that first appeared on Go Read.